Becky as a church member – John Vaprezsan

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Becky as a church member – Dr. Vaprezsan
Becky Prater was a “Pastor’s Dream.” She was a faithful, loyal, servant–always the same. She was a well balanced Christian, secure in her walk with God and her relationship with God’s people.

Becky’s testimony was inspiring and her example motivating to all who knew her. Becky didn’t waste the time that God gave her. She was a mature Christ, knowing how to handle every challenge that came her way.

Becky’s depth of Christian character and unfaltering trust in her Heavenly Father was most evident in the final weeks of her life. Every attribute that I have mentioned about Becky did not change during those difficult days. She taught us how to live. She taught us how to die. I miss her. But thank God for His strength, comfort and glorious hope in Christ Jesus.

Becky made a difference in the lives of those that knew her. She made a great impact on her Preacher’s life.